Synergistic Reconstruction Symposium

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Synergistic Reconstruction Symposium

Philosophical Transactions A of the Royal Society containing work presented at the symposium

Two special issues were published in the Philosophical Transactions A of the Royal Society primarily containing work presented at the symposium:

Synergistic tomographic image reconstruction: part 1 Synergistic tomographic image reconstruction: part 2


Traditionally, image reconstruction has focused on estimating 2D or 3D images from a single modality data-set and acquisition. In recent years however, there have been significant developments in hardware and systems that allow extracting multi-parametric images from multiple data-sets. Examples include multi-spectral CT, multi-sequence MR, multi-modality such as PET-MR, and acquisitions from multiple-time points. While it is possible with such data to reconstruct several images independently, each corresponding to a different parameter or time-point, it is often advantageous, although challenging, to synergistically reconstruct all images.

This event aims to bring a group of researchers together from these different fields and application areas, including medical and industrial imaging, to disseminate ideas to, and learn from, researchers both within and outside their usual research field.

The event consisted of two parts:


Below you can see the agenda of the symposium and training, with links to presentations for which we are grateful to the presenters.

Follow this link for an up-to-date version of the material.

Session 1 Educational Talks
Session 2 Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
Session 3 Bayesian methods
Session 4 Model based methods
Session 5 Multimodal
Session 6 X-rays
Session 7 Software
Software Session MR Videos
Software Session PET Videos
Software Session X-Rays Videos

Poster Prizes

here are our poster price winners:

1st Place: 2nd Place 3rd Place
Kostas Papafitsoros, Michael Hintermüller, Carlos N. Rautenberg, Hongpeng Sun, Georg Schramm, David Rigie, Ahmadreza Rezaei, Koen van Laere, Thomas Vahle, Timothy Shepherd, Johan Nuyts, Fernando Boada, Chen Zhang, Simon Arridge, Bangti Jin
Generating structure non-smooth priors for image reconstruction Approximating MRI-Based Anatomically Guided PET Reconstruction with a Convolutional Neural Network Expectation Propagation for Poisson Data
Kostas Papaftisoros receiving the 1st prize for the poster Generating structure non-smooth priors for image reconstruction Georg Schramm receiving the 2nd prize for the poster Approximating MRI-Based Anatomically Guided PET Reconstruction with a Convolutional Neural Network Chen Zhang receiving the 3rd prize for the poster Expectation Propagation for Poisson Data

The Royal Society blog post on Synergistic tomographic image reconstruction
Lead Guest Editor, Professor Charalampos Tsoumpas, introduces us to his theme issue; a volume that explores synergistic image reconstruction.

Organising committee

Chair: Kris Thielemans, UCL

Co-chairs: Charalampos ‘Harry’ Tsoumpas, Leeds; Jakob Jorgensen, Manchester; Christoph Kolbitsch, PTB; Richard Brown, UCL (software training)

Organising committee:
Simon Arridge, UCL; David Atkinson, UCL; Nikos Dikaios, Surrey; Matthias Ehrhardt, Bath; Daniil Kazantsev, Diamond Light Source Ltd; Bill Lionheart, Manchester; Julian Matthews, Manchester; Claudia Prieto, KCL; Andrew Reader, KCL; Martin Turner, Manchester

Organised by the Collaborations:


November 3, 2019

12:00 am
